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Confluence Profile Photo Uploader

Small disclaimer: this works great on my setup. I have not tested it outside of my setup. It should work just fine as I am using the standard API’s that come with Confluence, but it is an open source project and I’m not getting paid for it, so I haven’t done extensive testing in all scenarios.

At the Vancouver Clinic we use a wiki product called Confluence. It is a fantastic product that is super customizable via add-ons, extensions, custom html/js/css, and SOAP and REST APIs.

Unfortunately, Confluence does not have a way for administrators to bulk upload user profile photos into it. For corporate organizations that want to make sure that user photos are uniform and professional this is somewhat cumbersome. As a result Confluence may have user profiles with Mickey Mouse, Wolverine, or worse as the photo … don’t get me wrong Wolverine is pretty cool, just not professional.

Because of this I decided to write a utility that allows an administrator to sweep in photos in a specified folder with a file mask of “%username%.%extension%” into Confluence. The utility will accept .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .png, and .bmp files. Optionally, you can specify a folder to archive the swept-in photos to after they have been uploaded. Confluence profile photos are 48×48 pixels and since most photos are not square the utility will attempt to do face detection and crop the photo to the largest face in the photo. If the photo is already square you can opt to have the utility not perform the face detection. I am personally not smart enough to write face detection algorithms, so I am using EMGU/OpenCV to do the face detection (which is why the compiled version is so freakin big). Hey, I got no problem standing on the shoulders of giants.

For automation purposes there is a command line switch /headless that will do the upload without any GUI using the configured settings. This works great with Windows Task Scheduler.

This is working awesomely for the clinic and fortunately my manager has allowed me to open source the code. So, I have uploaded it to Bitbucket for anyone to use, or make fun of my code. : ) Seriously, have at it if it will help your organization. And by all means let me know if there you run into any bugs along the way.

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